Interpersonal Interactions

Our ethos is integral to how we run our practice, the below qualities and actions are what makes Lewis Golden the place that it is.

Show courtesy, respect, humility, self-awareness, kindness and gratitude

These are the basic principles for productive and rewarding interactions with each other. We treat others as we would wish to be treated ourselves. Recognising others’ strengths and weaknesses, similarities and differences as well as our own gives a sound foundation for a cohesive and respectful environment in which everyone can thrive. Although the practice has a seniority-based structure, obtained through effort and experience, this is important only in terms of work allocation and overview. Equality is intrinsic and everyone is treated fairly and consistently at all times.


Be honest, open and communicate clearly with each other

We trust in each other and are trusted by our clients. Helping and supporting each other both practically and by listening attentively benefits everyone. Behaving with integrity and honesty is fundamental. The successful application of these elements flows directly through the three strands of our ethos: looking after each other, the firm’s clients and the wider world.



Whether working in a small team or the wider firm, collaboration is a key component of our success. Our principles regarding interpersonal interaction combine to create strong teamwork throughout the firm. Everyone is encouraged to communicate and work together regardless of role or job title. The size of the firm enables us to keep in touch with each other and feel like we are one group, made up of individuals who all offer different strengths and perspectives.


Encourage learning and development, throughout careers

We support learning, professional development and advancement. There is equality of opportunity. Being a training firm has a wider meaning, applying not only to trainees, but to throughout the practice with an emphasis on learning from each other. Technical and soft skills are equally valued. We make time for training and pay for relevant courses at any career stage. We are each responsible for shaping our careers and the firm encourages and nurtures that.


Recognise performance that goes beyond expectations

We are professionals who expect commitment, responsibility and hard work from each other. Sometimes the work is exceptional or the effort is extraordinary. We recognise this every time and do not take it for granted. We show gratitude and we share clients’ gratitude when it is received.


An understanding, ethical and committed team of people

We are committed to applying professional ethical principles. We are moral people but do not moralise. We have a strong work ethic and a supportive culture, whatever our similarities or differences. We offer no judgement on an individual, welcoming and considering a wide range of opinions. We recognise individuality, are inclusive, considerate and flexible, according to need and circumstance

Precision with personality

Let us take your worries away

Our people are what really make us stand out. The Lewis Golden team is made up of brilliant individuals with a wealth of experience and a sharp focus on the work they do.